Required Value Experience 3 Living gospel principles requires faith. Read about faith in the Bible Dictionary or True to the Faith. Faith in the Savior Jesus Christ lead to action. Choose a principle such as prayer, tithing, fasting, repentance, or keeping the Sabbath day holy. In your own home or another setting, plan and present a family home evening lesson about how faith helps you live that gospel principle. If possible, ask a family member to share an experience that has strengthened his or her faith. Share your own experience as well. In your journal write down one of those experiences and describe your feelings about faith.
I chose to learn about fasting. Here is my experience and testimony:
About 6 months ago, I was feeling overwhelmed with life. I talked to Carlos about it, and he suggested that I fast. I thought to myself, “good idea, but, No thanks.” Then I got the prompting to work on my Personal Progress. I kept putting the Spirit off. Assuring myself that I was doing enough. I finally agreed with the Spirit and began to study and set goals.
One of the first Value Experiences was to learn about a gospel principle and practice it. I decided on fasting.
Four months ago I was sitting in the Chapel in the Draper Temple, waiting for our Young Women. I began looking up all the scripture references for fasting in the Topical Guide and Index. I learned so much. I learned a lot about different reasons to fast and the power that comes through fasting. Then Saturday night, I could not sleep. I was tossing and turning all night. I was thinking about too many things, and trying to figure stuff out. I thought, “What can I do about ______? How can I fix this?” Then the Spirit whispered, “You should fast.” So I decided to fast on Sunday. I did not tell anyone or make a big deal out of it. I spent the morning rereading the scriptures on fasting and some quotes by apostles and prophets. I felt in order to be a true fast, I would also need to pay fast offering. I also learned about more blessings.
Ezra Taft Benson
“Periodic fasting can help clear up the mind and strengthen the body and the spirit…To make a fast most fruitful, it should be coupled with prayer and meditation…ponder on the scriptures and the reason for the fast.”
Bruce R McConkie
“Fasting…gives a man a sense of his utter dependence upon the Lord so that he is in a better frame of mind to get in tune with the Spirit.”
Joseph B Wirthlin
“…members are encouraged to fast whenever their faith needs special fortification and to fast regularly once each month on fast day. On that day, we go without eating or drinking for two consecutive meals, commune with our Heavenly Father, and contribute a fast offering to help the poor.”
President Heber J Grant
“Every living soul among the Saints that fasts…will be benefited spiritually in a wonderful way.”
President David O McKay
“All the principles related to fasting seem to point to the fact that it produces (1)physical benefits; (2) intellectual activity; and (3)spiritual strength, which is the greatest of all benefits. This fine spiritual strength is derived by the subjection of the physical appetite to the will of the individual…If there were no other virtue in fasting but gaining strength of character, that alone would be sufficient justification for its universal acceptance.“
L Tom Perry
“The law of the fast has three great purposes. First, it provides assistance to the needy through the contribution of fast offerings, consisting of the value of meals from which we abstain. Second, a fast is beneficial to us physically. Third, it is to increase humility and spirituality on the part of each individual.“
So, I went to church fasting. It was ward conference. Bishop spoke about making sure we are doing the basics….and FASTing. It was awesome to have another witness to my feelings that morning. Bishop said he had felt for some time that our ward is lacking in some Spiritual Power that we could gain by fasting.
Fast forward to last month. Carlos had been working on a book and deal for nearly 2 years. He had a contact that had committed to show it to a Big Wig. Everything was finally falling into place. He was feeling very hopeful…and then crash. Everything began to fall apart. Carlos sent the book to the Big Wig, the shipping company messed up and sent it to another state. The contact sent a text message, he no longer wanted to help or be involved in any way. Carlos came upstairs and said, “I think I may have a nervous break-down.” I went into our bedroom and feel to my knees. I said the second shortest prayer in my life: “Heavenly Father, I don’t even know what to pray for.”
Carlos was able to get the contact to agree to a meeting for the next Monday.
I decided to fast.
When Carlos got home from the meeting, I asked how things had gone. Carlos said that the contact was saying “No” to everything, and then an idea came to his mind. Carlos presented it and the contact agreed! I then told Carlos I felt this was the answer and the direction we should go. I shared with him that I had been fasting.
Here are some more of my favorite scriptures and quotes on fasting:
What is Fasting?
To fast is to go without food and drink voluntarily for a certain period of time.
Proper observance of fast Sunday includes going without food and drink for two consecutive meals, attending fast and testimony meeting, and giving a fast offering to help care for those in need.
Your fast offering should be at least the value of the two meals you do not eat. When possible, be generous and give much more than this amount.
The True Law of the Fast Isaiah 58
What can we fast for? The purpose of fasting?
Gain Knowledge and Strengthen Testimony:
Alma 5:46 Alma 17:3 Helaman 3:34-35 Daniel 9:3 Acts 10:30 Acts 13:2
Others Welfare/ Missionary Work
Alma 6:6 Alma 17:9 Alma 10:7 Mosiah 27:22 3 Nephi 27:1 2 Samuel 12:16 Psalms 35:13 Daniel 6:18
D&C 95:7 2 Samuel 12:16 Nehemiah 1:4 Daniel 6:18
Great Need
Mosiah 27:22 Helaman 3:34-35 2 Chronicles 20:3 2 Samuel 12:16 Ezra 8:23 Esther 4:16 Daniel 6:18 Psalms 35:13
Luke 2:37 Alma 45:1 D&C 59:13-14 Nehemiah 9:1-4 Jonah 3:5 Zechariah 8:19
Joel 2:12 Omni 1:26 Jonah 3:5 Luke 2:37 Helaman 3:34-35 Psalms 69:10
Receive Instruction
3 Nephi 13:16-18 Ezra 10:6 Esther 4:16
You can fast for many purposes. Fasting is one way of worshiping God and expressing gratitude to Him (see Luke 2:37; Alma 45:1). You can fast as you ask Heavenly Father to bless the sick or afflicted (see Matthew 17:14–21). Fasting may help you and those you love receive personal revelation and become converted to the truth (see Alma 5:46; 6:6). Through fasting you can gain strength to resist temptation (see Isaiah 58:6). You can fast as you strive to humble yourself before God and exercise faith in Jesus Christ (see Omni 1:26; Helaman 3:35). You may fast to receive guidance in sharing the gospel and magnifying Church callings (see Acts 13:2–3; Alma 17:3, 9; 3 Nephi 27:1–2). Fasting may accompany righteous sorrow or mourning (see Alma 28:4–6; 30:1–2).(TRUE TO THE FAITH)
Combining Fasting and Prayer:
Alma 6:6 Alma 17:3 Alma 17:9 Alma 45:1 Helaman 3:34-35 3 Nephi 27:1 D&C 59:13-14 Nehemiah 1:4 Daniel 9:3 Matthew 17:21 Mark 9:29 Acts 10:30 D&C 88:76 Acts 14:23
Omni 1:26 4 Nephi 1:12 1 Corinthians 7:5 Moroni 6:5 Mosiah 27:22
Prayer and fasting can give added strength to those giving and receiving priesthood blessings. The account can also be applied to your personal efforts to live the gospel. If you have a weakness or sin that you have struggled to overcome, you may need to fast and pray in order to receive the help or forgiveness you desire. Like the demon that Christ cast out, your difficulty may be the kind that will go out only through prayer and fasting.(Matthew 17:14-21)(TRUE TO THE FAITH)
I also found a great object lesson to signify fasting and prayer. You need two glasses. One with warm water and yeast (Prayer only) and the other with warm water, yeast and sugar (Fasting and Prayer). Watch to see how much your spirit can grow when you combine them.
I have a testimony of the power that comes through fasting, that can not come any other way. This whole experience also taught me about how the Spirit can work with us. I needed many promptings, witnesses, and experiences before I was ready to live the principle. Do not become discouraged if others do not take action the first time, we all need many little reminders.
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