#1 is serving in Maumelle, Arkansas.
She is in a threesome at the moment. Maumelle is only her second area and very different from her first. Her first area, Sulphur Rock has a population of 465. Maumelle is a sub-burb of Little Rock, population 10,000+. Here are a few excerpts from recent letters:
**Yesterday, I got a little fed up with it and so I suddenly burst out as we were driving to no where: "Sometimes I wish Satan would just take a break! Like take a coffee break or something! I wouldn't put it past him to break the word of wisdom!" Sister Roseman couldn't contain herself and was laughing all over the place. Yep. Life of a missionary.
**I found this awesome quote: FEAR has two meanings: "Forget Everything And Run" or "Face Everything And Rise". The choice is yours -Zig Zigler. Sweet right? I really liked it and wanted to share.
**One last thing and I gotta go. I found this scripture as well: 2 Nephi 26: 23-24, but I likened it unto myself, so go to it to see what it really says:
"For behold, my beloved [daughter], I say unto you that the Lord God worketh not in darkness.
"He doeth not anything save it were for the benefit [you]; for he loveth [you], even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw [you] unto him..."
**(On teaching a sister from China) "So J____. Oh man. We were talking/teaching her and she want to be good like us. The way she found our church is amazing. She got here and her boss said that she doesn't know anybody here and that she needs to go to church. He said that the only Christian church he knew of was up on the hill. She was walking there and Sister C____ (wife of a high councilor) saw her and picked her up and brought her to church. J____ stays because our sign, on the bottom, says "visitors welcome". Cool right? Well, her boss and everyone she works with is telling her to not come to our church because Mormons are crazy and because our church is far away. But she WANTS to come to our church she likes our church. She feels good there." :)
**Serving a mission is great. As you were saying in all your letters, there are of course the hard times. There are times when it's hard and you don't know what to do. There are the times of crying and falling to your knees to ask for help. A mission is not for the faint of heart. BUT it is so rewarding! I wouldn't trade it for anything."
**"I promise you guys that as long as you are ALWAYS doing your best, reading the scriptures (even the bible ;) we need to in the south) and praying, it will always turn out ok. It may not be immediately or the next day, but it definitely comes when you need it the most. It may not come in the way you expect, but it comes all the same. Heavenly Father is ever mindful of you guys, no matter what. He loves you always, forever and no matter what :).
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