I have missed all the crazy stuff we do as a family.
This week has been are really good week in a way. I have been sick all week with a really bad cold. I have trouble breathing and my voice is super super low. But this week has been a really good week for faith. I noticed that as I went out and talked with people I didn't feel sick anymore. We contacted over 200 people this week. That is amazing. We beat all the rest of the district combined. The power of God really is there. We have also talked with many many people this week and we hope that we have a bigger pool of investigators to work from. All the people we have been teaching have fallen off the face of the earth. They won't answer phone calls, they won't be home when we try and visit. It's just crazy how many people just disappear. Something cool is we are starting to get back some contact with R. I tested him three days ago and he actually texted back. I also texted him this morning and he texted back to that as well. I am so happy that things are starting to work out down here. I love the people of Georgia so much. I also love you with all my heart and I know that I am doing the right thing out here.
The mission is going amazingly. I am starting to feel a little better but I am still sick. Missions are hard mom and I don't really like hard. I can do it and be happy when doing it. I just look back and say: Man that was hard.
This week wasn't as good as last week. Things are starting to die down and we are getting more steady people to teach. I have even started to get contact back from R.
I love reading the scriptures so much and I get so much out of them. I am in 2 Nephi right now and stuck in the Isaiah chapters. I don't mind reading them they just get long. I do learn a lot from them though.
I know that i am out here for a good reason.
My story of this week is not about me. It is about Sister Mc. She is a wonderful missionary and I have had a good time getting to know her and serve with her. She also is crazy on what she knows. She has read the Bible many times, same with the Book of Mormon and knows a lot about religious history. I have gone to her for answers on what I read in the scriptures. This last week she gave us a call at about 10:30 P.M. crying and asked for a blessing. I didn't know what was wrong or what had happened so we went over. She told us she just got a call from the mission president and had learned that a really good friend of her's had just taken his own life. My heart dropped and my mind went blank. It's hard to comfort someone when you can't touch them and there is nothing you can really say. We gave her a blessing and left. I have prayed very hard for her every night since and something strange is happening. She is acting the same as she always was...happy to be a missionary and as smart as ever. I see this and I think of Christ. She is hurting deeply inside yet she is still working and trying to help the people out here in Albany. If you get the chance put here name in the temple please. She is a true example of Jesus Christ.
The mission is going really good. The only trouble we are having is with our investigators coming to church.
R will text back when i talk with him but that is all. He is very hard to get a hold of. I pray for him to be responsive to the spirit but he is too BUSY for the church. He also says he is sick all the time so we can't come see him.
We don't really have any investigators that will keep commitment right now. All we have is V who has changed over night. We gave him a Book of Mormon and asked him to read only a little of it. He has ready to chapter 12 of 1 Nephi and is still going strong. He told us that he wants it to be true and that it gives him a good feeling to read. we will be seeing him later tonight. I am way excited.

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